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How To Deal with a Paasa Partner

One of biggest problems that this world cannot solve is the behavior of every human being. No matter how good we are, we still cannot tell others to be good to the rest of this population. There will always be people whose pastime is making others feel good, but their actions aren’t genuine.

These paasa people are the reason why we have to guard ourselves not be used by these kinds of toxic. If we don’t, kita ra sad ang luoy. It’s still up to us whether we allow them to use us or we get rid of them from our lives.

How to Spot A Paasa Partner

If you want to know more about these kinds of toxic people, here are the signs that you are with a paasa partner:

1. He/She doesn’t care about you, but just how you treat him/her.

These paasa people might just look at you physically, but they don’t care about how you feel. They will pretend to like you and make you feel good, as long as they get the right treatment they wanted. 

2. He/She calls you only when he/she needs you.

Paasa people will call you in dire moments of their lives. If they need someone to talk to or they need anything from you, they’ll immediately try to contact you and you’ll eventually fall into their trap with all the efforts to take care of them.

3. He/She is always there if you have something to offer.

Just as long as you still have what they wanted from you, they’ll always stick around. 

4. He/She cannot be reached when you need him/her.

But there’s the thing: the moment you need him/her in your life, they’re busy. They have other commitments. They can’t be with you to comfort you. You’re left alone and you might just cry alone.

5. If you have nothing to offer, he/she is already with someone else.

If you have already moved to this moment, what else can you do? Do you just cry and comfort yourself?

How to Deal with a Paasa Partner

On the other hand, here are the things you should do in dealing with this paasa person:

1. Don’t give in. Resist temptation, please.

It may sound difficult but you know it’s always the first rule. You can focus on other things and get busy with more worthwhile experiences.

2. Know your worth. Once is enough.

If you’ve been fooled once, why would you allow another person to do that again to you? Learn your lesson and know what games to play.

3. Kill them with love. For yourself.

Call it selfish but, this time, you have to give yourself a huge favor.

4. Don’t hesitate. Leave. 

There’s no point why staying on that very meaningless situation. It will just give more pain every day and don’t be insane and selfless for no good reason.

5. You deserve someone better.

Believe me.

Seriously, you need to let him/her go.

For Paulo, who’s heartbroken right now. Where's my ice cream?

(Note: This is my entry for Day 13 of 30 Day Blogging Challenge organized by Cebu Blogging Community from October 1-30, 2015. #iBlogforCBC #CBCLevelUp #CBC30DayChallenge)


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